About Us
We support theatre in St Andrews and put on student run productions. Learn more about us and how we support Preforming Arts at the University.
"Art". Fall 2024.
Learn About Mermaids
Setting the Scene
Our History
Setting the Scene

Why "Mermaids"?
Before Mermaids was officially founded as the University of St Andrews Performing Arts Fund, students would perform on the rocks of Castle Sands and passersby often said they looked like Mermaids. Now, we no longer perform on the beach but in wonderful venues including the Byre Theatre and the Barron at the Byre, but the Mermaids name stuck!
Purpose Statment
Mermaid Performing Arts Fund is the supporting body of Performing Arts in St Andrews. We are first and foremost a funding body, to which any matriculated student of St Andrews can propose a show. The 12+ shows we pass each academic year receive exhaustive funds, resources, and performance space to ensure that making theatre in St Andrews remains accessible to all. Our productions are wholly student run, and creative input from Mermaids as a funding body in our shows is entirely at the discretion of each individual production team. In addition to overseeing our own productions, Mermaids also support the work and operations of our affiliated societies and all independent performing arts initiatives at the university.
As a subcommittee of the Students’ Association, Mermaids is also responsible for facilitating engagement with the arts across the entire student community, and to represent the interests of our members at the Student Representative Council.

Photo Credit: St Andrews Student Association
"The Crucible". Fall 2024
Our History
We have been putting on productions and helping to promote theatre in St Andrews for years now.